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  • Colleges, especially private institutions, are giving more aid to wealthy students, according to an analysis published on the Education Sector Web site. The trend, noted with concern by aid experts for several years, generally reflects a strategy for recruiting students who -- even with the aid they pay -- bring substantial tuition revenue to colleges.
  • The Departments of State and Homeland Security have jointly announced changes in visa regulations, some of which will help foreign students in the United States. The length of time covered by student visas will be slightly extended, and the visas will allow students to enter the United States 45 days in advance of beginning study, rather than the current 30 days, to give students more of a chance to settle in.
  • J.D. Salinger spent the fall 1938 semester at Ursinus College, outside of Philadelphia, and the college announced an unusual scholarship Thursday to honor its famous dropout. Each year, a $25,000 scholarship will be awarded to a freshman showing potential in creative writing. The scholarship can be renewed to cover four years of study, but one benefit will come only during the freshman year: The scholarship winner gets to live in Salinger's old dorm room, since renovated.
  • A state judge on Wednesday threw out rape charges against six University of Tennessee at Chattanooga football players, saying that there was insufficient evidence that the woman they were accused of attacking hadn't consented to have sex with them, the Associated Press reported.

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