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  • The American Historical Association has written to the Departments of State and Homeland Security to protest delays in issuing a visa to Waskar Ari, a Georgetown University Ph.D. who is a member of the Aymara indigenous people of Bolivia. Ari has been unable to take a position at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln because of alleged security concerns -- concerns that the AHA says are groundless.
  • The University of Georgia accidentally sent 112 applicants letters congratulating them on being admitted -- even though they were meant to be rejected, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. The students have since been notified that they were not accepted and that many will be rejected.
  • U.S. Rep. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, a California Republican, was named Wednesday to serve as chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. McKeon succeeds Rep. John A. Boehner, an Ohio Republican who gave up the chairmanship when he was elected House majority leader. McKeon has been known for raising questions about the cost of higher education.
  • Veterans applying to use their GI Bill benefits are experiencing significant delays in obtaining their grants for college costs, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. The problem appears to be most serious in the central part of the United States, the newspaper said.
  • The number of students applying to universities in the United Kingdom for next fall by 3.4 percent from a year ago, a drop that was widely attributed to increases in newly imposed increases in student fees, Bloomberg reported. The declines were biggest in Britain, where "top-up" fees rose most significantly, the news service reported.
  • An Indian corporate executive said Thursday that he would spend $1 billion to establish a new Indian university on a par with Harvard and Stanford Universities, according to Rediff. The commitment came from Anil Agarwal, chairman of Vedanta Resources, a metals and mining company.
  • In the latest blow to Lawrence H. Summers, president of Harvard University, the former graduate dean gave a highly critical interview to The Boston Globe. In the interview, Peter T. Ellison said that Summers undermined his authority and made statements that were "less than truthful." Ellison also quoted Summers as saying that economists (those in Summers' field) are smarter than political scientists or sociologists. Summers did not respond to comments.
  • Hiram College, in Ohio, announced this week that it would freeze tuition, room, board and fees for the next academic year. Tuition is $23,510 at the college. The freeze is part of a plan to increase enrollment.

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