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  • A filing by the U.S. attorney in bankruptcy court in Louisville says that the federal government is investigating charges that the owners of Decker College illegally kept about $7 million in federal financial aid funds and falsified student records, the Louisville Courier Journal reports.
  • Marking the 100th day of a strike by New York University graduate students, the American Association of University Professors' Committee on Graduate and Professional Students issued a statement urging NYU administrators and trustees " to recognize due process requirements in their dealings with striking NYU graduate assistants, and to recognize their right to choose their own representative for collective bargaining."
  • A student newspaper at the University of Toronto found a new way to deal with the controversy over cartoons from a Danish publication showing images of Muhammad. Unlike a few American student papers and at least one in Canada that printed the cartoons, which criticize violent movements in Islam, The Strand printed its own cartoon -- called "Tunnel of Tolerance" -- showing Muhammad and Jesus kissing. An accompanying editorial suggests that printing the cartoon could promote discussions of freedom of expression.
  • A University of Utah student was indicted last week on federal charges of hacking his professor's computer to change a grade, the Associated Press reported.

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