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  • Voters in Phoenix on Tuesday approved a plan to issue $223 million in bonds to finance a new Arizona State University campus in the city. While voters in localities regularly hold bond votes for community colleges, Arizona State officials believe that the move is unprecedented for a state university. Arizona State, with booming enrollments, is trying to redefine the way flagship universities operate by locating top programs at a number of campuses, and the Phoenix facility is part of a plan to revitalize the city's downtown area.
  • The top editor of The Daily Illini has been removed from office for his role in publishing the controversial cartoons of Muhammad that have set off violence in the Middle East. The newspaper's managers have indicated that the editor was removed for procedural reasons, but the editor and others have defended the publication as an important statement about freedom of the press.
  • Few students from low-income families or underrepresented minority groups are qualifying for Massachusetts' new merit-based scholarship program, according to a study released Wednesday by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University. The author of the report, Donald E. Heller of the Center for the Study of Higher Education at Pennsylvania State University, said it shows that the John and Abigail Adams Scholarhips are "an inefficient and ineffectiveuse of public dollars to promote college attendance in the state,"and that Massachusetts "would be better off investing the money spent on thisprogram in its existing need-based grants if it is interested inclosing the gaps in college attendance in the Commonwealth.”
  • The New York Times reported today that a chemistry professor at Columbia University has retracted two papers and a portion of a third paper after experiments performed by a graduate student could not be replicated. The papers had appeared in The Journal of the American Chemical Society.
  • The University of Wyoming has called off a forum on creating a smoke-free environment after reports surfaced that the financial sponsor was a company that produces smokeless tobacco, The Casper Star-Tribune reported.
  • The Education Commission of the States has published a report with information about the growth of "dual enrollment" programs in which high school students enroll in college courses while remaining in high schools.
  • The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved another three-month extension ( HR 4911) of the Higher Education Act, which is set to expire on March 31. The extension would give lawmakers more breathing room to consider a set of changes to the key college legislation, which leaders of the education panels in both chambers say they plan to push in the coming weeks.
  • Robert Mays, a University of Southern Indiana associate dean, was arrested Tuesday after police said that he bit a man on the leg, the Associated Press reported. Police say that the incident took place after Mays was involved in an accident and the man stopped to help him. Mays, who was also charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated, did not return phone calls.

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