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  • Boston University announced Tuesday that John Silber, the former president, received $6.1 million in compensation during fiscal 2005, most of it in deferred compensation earned previously. Boston University must report the income to state and federal officials. Past information about Silber's compensation -- he was for years among the best paid employees in academe -- has prompted criticism of the university.
  • The acting chair of Gallaudet University's board quit Tuesday, citing the stress of recent protests and threats she has received in recent weeks, The Washington Post reported. Both students and professors have objected to Jane Fernandes, the board's choice as the university's next president. Fernandes and board leaders have indicated that she will not withdraw.
  • Gallaudet isn't the only university where deaf students are protesting. Twelve current and former deaf students sued Utah State University this week, saying that the institution has failed to provide enough sign-language interpreters, The Deseret Morning News reported. University officials have said that they are working on the problem, but face a national shortage.
  • President Bush announced Tuesday that he intends to nominate Troy R. Justesen, who is now deputy assistant secretary of education for special education and rehabilitative services, to be the Education Department's assistant secretary for vocational and adult education. Justesen was formerly a domestic policy adviser in the Bush White House.
  • A group of lenders has released another report arguing that the federal guaranteed loan program actually costs less, not more, than the competing direct loan program. The lenders' group, America's Student Loan Providers, says its analysis -- an update of a study released last summer -- says that a slew of federal reports showing direct lending to be less expensive are flawed because they omit key costs incurred by and tax revenues generated by the two programs, and because they are based on overly optimistic projections of future interest rates.
  • Freshmen are significantly more likely than other students to test positive for chlamydia infection, according to a study released by Emory University Tuesday.

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