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The following colleges and universities have named new presidents or provosts:

  • Randy Dunn, state superintendent of education for the Illinois State Board of Education, has been chosen as president of Murray State University.
  • Susan G. Fuhrman, dean of the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education, has been named president of Teachers College of Columbia University.
  • Milton Glick, provost at Arizona State University, has been named president at the University of Nevada at Reno.
  • Ann Weaver Hart, president of the University of New Hampshire, is the new president of Temple University.
  • Gregg Kvistad, interim provost at the University of Denver, has been named provost.
  • Maravene S. Loeschke, provost of Wilkes University, has been selected as president of Mansfield University of Pennsylvania.
  • Kevin McAndrew Ross, chief operating officer of Lynn University, in Boca Raton, Fla., will become its new president, replacing his father, Donald E. Ross.

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