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  • Funds for the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts would remain at their 2006 levels under a 2007 spending bill approved Tuesday by a Senate panel. The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior and Related Agencies passed legislation that would provide $141 million for the humanities agency and $124 million for the arts endowment, the same amount the agencies are receiving this year. The agencies would receive $5 million more each under a parallel bill approved last month by the House of Representatives.
  • Eduardo Padrón retired -- sort of -- from Miami Dade College, but he won't be looking for early bird dinner specials. Padrón collected $893,000 from his state retirement package, but after 30 days of unemployment he will return to his position at Miami Dade and his salary of more than $400,000, The Miami Herald reported. Florida law allows him to collect his retirement payout if he "retires" for a month -- even if he goes back to his job after that.
  • The State University of New York plans to ban smoking in all dormitories by fall 2007.
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Town of Chapel Hill have announced what they believe to be a unique pledge by town and gown to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

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