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  • Clinton Bristow Jr., president of Alcorn State University for the last 11 years, died suddenly Saturday evening, found on the Mississippi institution's track, where he was known for jogging each evening. Bristow had been active in many educational groups that worked on behalf of black students and historically black colleges. In the last month, two other college presidents have died suddenly: Kermit L. Hall of the State University of New York at Albany and Mike Davis, president of Pueblo Community College.
  • Enrollments at many for-profit colleges have been increasing this summer because of the sluggish economy, the Associated Press reported. The news service found that Laureate Education is up 27 percent and Strayer is up 15 percent.
  • Authorities from the Pentagon and the University of North Texas are investigating a contract under which a Defense Department officials claimed more than $300,000 in salary costs to teach at North Texas but apparently did no teaching, the AP reported. The official declined to comment.
  • Miami University announced Friday that it will pay tuition and fees for all Ohio residents enrolled in its undergraduate programs if their families earn less than $35,000 a year.
  • The U.S. Education Department published guidelines Friday that describe the procedures by which colleges that were damaged by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita can apply for a total of $50 million in funds to help them recover from the storms' impact. The deadline for applications is September 19.
  • Brigham Young University paid Joe Cannon, a lobbyist, $70,000 last year to reach out to Rep. Chris Cannon, a Utah Republican and the lobbyist's brother, the AP reported.

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