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  • Edmund S. Phelps of Columbia University was this morning named the winner of the 2006 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. Phelps was honored for his work on the relationship between short-term and long-term economic policy. According to the Nobel announcement, work by Phelps has changed understanding of the relationship between unemployment rates and inflation rates, and on the desirable rate of capital formation. On his Web page at Columbia, where he is the McVickar Professor of Political Economy, Phelps provides details on his research.
  • With Columbia University again under fire over speech issues, the president is condemning anyone who prevents another's speech from taking place. On Wednesday, protesters stormed a stage where Jim Gilchrist, head of the Minuteman Project, a "vigilance operation" opposing illegal immigration, was speaking, forcing him to stop his talk. Lee C. Bollinger, Columbia's president, pledged that the university would investigate the incident and procedures for making sure that speakers can give their talks. In a statement, he said: "This is not a complicated issue. Students and faculty have rights to invite speakers to the campus. Others have rights to hear them. Those who wish to protest have rights to do so. No one, however, shall have the right or the power to use the cover of protest to silence speakers. This is a sacrosanct and inviolable principle."
  • Emory University on Friday announced that Salman Rushdie would place his archive in Emory's Woodruff Library and would become a distinguished writer in residence at the university. During each of the next five years, Rushdie will spend at least four weeks teaching at the university.
  • Harper College, in Illinois, and its faculty union reached a tentative agreement Saturday to avert a strike professors had been expected to begin today. Details of the agreement were not released, but the two sides had differed on salary levels and retirement benefits. In anticipation of a strike, the community college called off all credit classes today. Classes will resume Tuesday.
  • Nine students on Friday sued Randolph-Macon Woman's College to block the institution from admitting men until at least 2010, The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. The college's board voted last month to admit men in the next academic year, saying that there are not enough women who want to attend a single-sex college to keep the institution financially viable. The students argue in their suit that the college is engaging in breach of contract because they were recruited to attend a women's college, so the college should be blocked from making any change until all current students have time to graduate.
  • A federal jury last week awarded CollegeNET, which sells technology to colleges to help in the admissions process, $8.5 million in its dispute over business practices with XAP, which provides college information to students. At the same time, the jury rejected CollegeNET's claim on one of its key patents. The case still awaits a final ruling by a judge.
  • As it has been threatening to do for some time, the University of North Dakota on Friday sued the National Collegiate Athletic Association in a dispute over the team's name and mascot, the Associated Press reported. The university charges that NCAA limits on Native American mascots and team names -- such as North Dakota's Fighting Sioux -- constitute breach of contract, breach of good faith and illegal restraint of trade. The NCAA, which maintains that its rules are needed to prevent the demeaning of Indian heritage, plans to defend the suit.
  • Nearly 20 percent of college students in a new national survey reported that they had had an eating disorder at some time in their lives, and most of them never sought treatment, according to the National Eating Disorders Association. More than half of the students reported knowing someone who struggled with an eating disorder.

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