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The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges:

North Central College (Ill.)

  • Nancy Keiser, education
  • Steve Macek, speech communication

State University of New York at Albany

  • Brett C. Bowles, languages, literatures and Cultures
  • Andrew S. Byon, East Asian studies
  • Angie Y. Chung, sociology
  • Eric T. Eisenbraun, nanosciences
  • Jesse Ernst, physics
  • Ingrid E. Fisher, accounting
  • Samantha R. Friedman, sociology
  • Robert Gluck, music
  • Fernando I. Leiva, Latin American and Caribbean studies
  • Walter E. Little, anthropology
  • Richard J. Matyi, nanosciences
  • David N. Miller, educational and counseling psychology
  • Amanda B. Nickerson, educational and counseling psychology
  • Bruce T. Saddler, educational and counseling psychology
  • Helene E. Scheck, Englis
  • Benjamin A. Shaw, health policy, management and behavior
  • Margaret Rita Sheehy, reading
  • Joette M. Stefl-Mabry, information studies

Valparaiso University

  • Teresa Bals-Elsholz, geography and meteorology
  • Matthew Becker, theology
  • Jennifer Bjornstad, foreign languages and literatures
  • Stacy Hoult-Saros, foreign languages and literatures
  • Carmine Polito, civil engineering
  • Jeffrey Will, electrical and computer engineering

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