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WASHINGTON -- The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved its 2010 spending bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, with the panel's leaders hinting that they will find ways to increase funds for the National Institutes of Health and other programs important to colleges.

As the Senate panel expedited its consideration of the massive $163 billion spending bill, postponing consideration of virtually all amendments until the measure hits the Senate floor, Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, said he wished the committee had provided more funds for biomedical research at the NIH, and Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican, said she was "disappointed with the level of funding for the TRIO program" that helps low-income students prepare for college.

The Senate proposed giving the NIH $30.756 billion, $448 million more than it is receiving this year but $500 million less than the House of Representatives would provide in the parallel bill it passed last week. And the TRIO program, like virtually all higher education programs in the Senate bill, would receive no increase from the Senate, while the House would offer a $20 million boost.

Sen. Tom Harkin, the Iowa Democrat who heads the subcommittee that drafted the bill, reiterated his explanation that the panel had de-emphasized programs that received a big boost in the economic recovery package Congress passed in February, which poured $10 billion in one-time funds into the NIH and even more into Pell Grants for needy students.

But Thursday, Harkin seemed, with a figurative wink and a nod, to suggest that Shelby and Collins should not worry. Senate appropriators allocated less money to health, education and labor programs overall than did their House counterparts, but when lawmakers from the two chambers get together to work out differences between their bills, Harkin said, the House's higher numbers could well win the day. "When we go to conference we hope to be able to fix some of these things," he said.

Supporters of NIH and TRIO won't be the only ones hoping the House holds sway. As seen in the table below, it would provide significantly more money to minority-serving colleges and universities, international education programs, and the Health Resources and Services Administration's health professions training programs, among others.


Agency/Program 2009 Appropriation 2010 Obama Budget Request 2010 House Passed 2010 Senate Committee Passed
Student assistance        
Pell Grants (discretionary) $17,288,000 $17,495,000 $17,783,395 $17,495,000
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants 757,465 757,465 757,465 757,465
Work Study 980,492 980,492 980,492 980,492
Perkins Loan cancellations 67,164 0 49,701 0
Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnerships 63,852 63,852 63,852 63,852
Academic Competitiveness /SMART Grants 0 0 0 0
TEACH Grants 0 0 0 0
Institutional aid  
Strengthening Institutions 80,000 84,000 84,000 84,000
Strengthening Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities 23,158 24,316 36,021 24,316
Strengthening Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Institutions 11,579 12,158 18,010 12,158
Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities 238,095 250,000 283,172 250,000
Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions 58,500 61,425 61,425 61,425
Strengthening Predominantly Black Institutions n/a 7,875 13,727 7,875
Minority Science and Engineering Improvement 8,577 9,006 10,000 9,006
Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions 93,256 97,919 136,938 97,919
Promoting Postbac Opportunities for Hispanic Americans n/a n/a 10,500 n/a
Strengthening Asian American and Pacific Islander-serving Institutions 2,500 2,625 4,575 2,625
Strengthening Native American-Serving Nontribal Institutions n/a 2,625 4,575 2,625
Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Voc-Tech Institutions 7,773 7,773 8,162 7,773
Gallaudet U. 124,000 120,000 120,000 126,000
National Technical Institute for the Deaf 64,212 68,437 68,437 68,437
Howard U. 234,977 234,977 234,977 234,977
HBCU Capital Financing Loans 10,354 20,582 20,582 10,354
International education/foreign language 118,881 118,881 128,881 118,881
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education 133,667 47,424 133,916 86,324
Model Postsecondary Programs for Students With Intellectual Disabilities n/a n/a n/a 14,000
Demonstration Projects to Ensure Access for Students With Disabilities 6,755 6,755 10,755 6,755
Teacher Quality Partnerships 50,000 50,000 43,000 48,000
Career and adult education  
State Grants 1,160,911 1,160,911 1,160,911 1,160,911
Tech Prep 102,923 102,923 102,923 102,923
Adult Education 554,122 628,221 628,221 628,221
Student Support  
TRIO programs 848,089 848,089 868,089 848,089
Gear Up 313,212 313,212 333,212 313,212
Child Care Access Program 16,034 16,034 17,034 16,034
Graduate education  
Byrd Scholarships 40,642 40,642 40,642 42,000
Javits Fellowships 9,687 9,687 9,687 9,687
Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need 31,030 31,030 31,030 31,030
Thurgood Marshall Legal Educational Opportunity Program 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Other Education Department offices  
Research and statistics 617,175 689,256 664,256 679,256
Office for Civil Rights 96,826 103,024 103,024 103,024
Inspector general 54,539 60,053 60,053 60,053
Adult job training 861,540 861,540 861,540 861,540
Dislocated Worker Assistance 1,183,840 1,183,840 1,183,840 1,183,840
National Institutes of Health 30,325,224 30,766,988 31,266,988 30,758,788
Health professions programs 392,726 528,098 529,708 460,098
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education 310,000 310,000 320,000 315,000
AmeriCorps 271,196 372,547 331,547 372,547

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