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Over the weekend more information has come out about some of the researchers, faculty members and students who were on the Malaysian Airlines plane that was shot down over Ukraine. Here are links to obituaries or other information:

  • Joep Lange has been widely hailed as a leading AIDS researcher. He was headed to the 20th International AIDS Conference, in Australia. Lange was executive scientific director of the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development.
  • Karlijn Keijzer, a Dutch citizen, was a doctoral student in chemistry at Indiana University at Bloomington.
  • Quinn Schansman, the only American citizen on the flight, was studying at the International Business School at Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
  • Three members of the Witteveen family, all with ties to Tilburg University, in the Netherlands, were on the flight. Killed were Willem Witteveen, professor of legal theory and rhetoric; his wife Lidwien Heerkes, who was formerly associated with the Tilburg School of Humanities; and their daughter, Marit Witteveen, a student at the Tilburg School of Humanities.
  • Andrei Anghel, a Canadian citizen, who was a student at Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, in Romania.
  • Ithamar Avnon, an international student at Swinburne University of Technology, in Australia, was among those killed. The university said he was in the second year of a bachelor's program in business.