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Most colleges were initially cautious about adopting policies about the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, which started in countries that send relatively few students to the United States. But with the outbreak continuing, some colleges are announcing extra health screenings for students arriving from some countries in West Africa, the Associated Press reported. Among the institutions starting special screenings are Liberty and Mercer Universities, the State University of New York at Buffalo, and the Universities of Akron and Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the AP said. Carolina Live TV News reported that Coastal Carolina University has screened eight students and one faculty member who recently traveled in West Africa.

In developments outside the United States:

  • Senegal reported its first case of Ebola, found in a university student who had come from Guinea, The Guardian reported.
  • Dominica has announced that it will screen all students arriving from West Africa for Ebola, Caribbean 360 reported.