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Patrick Modiano, a French author, was this morning named winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature “for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation." A biography released by the Swedish Academy said of his work: "Modiano’s works center on topics such as memory, oblivion, identity and guilt. The city of Paris is often present in the text and can almost be considered a creative participant in the works. Rather often his tales are built on an autobiographical foundation, or on events that took place during the German occupation."

Among his works that have been published in English translation are two that were released by university presses, Dora Bruder (University of California Press) and Out of the Dark (University of Nebraska Press).

Yale University Press is about to publish Suspended Sentences, three novellas by Madiano.