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The University of North Georgia has stopped using a controversial cover to its continuing education catalog, amid criticism of the message sent by the illustration, The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. The cover (visible at the link) shows two white men, dressed in professional attire, winning a race, defeating a woman and a black man struggling to keep up.

A statement from the university said: "After looking into the issue, we determined that this is an isolated case of poor judgment, and was not intentional. However, the image was not representative of U.N.G.’s commitment to diversity, and this will serve as an opportunity for increased dialogue about diversity issues and we expect that to better inform our processes and publications. The image has been removed from the department’s Web site and social media pages, and the catalog will be reprinted before further distribution. Additionally, we have taken steps to provide for broader review of publications like this to ensure they fully meet institutional expectations and reflect our community and our values."