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When the accusations that Bill Cosby drugged and raped women started to receive considerable attention last year, some colleges moved to distance themselves from Cosby, while others did not do so. Now, with details about Cosby admitting in a legal proceeding to drugging women in order to have sex with them, at least one such college is reconsidering.

Central State University, in Ohio, released this statement: "Recent revelations regarding Mr. Bill Cosby’s activities in past decades have postured [sic] Central State University to re-examine its decision to maintain the Cosby name on one of its buildings. Although the Cosby name on the campus radio station is representative of the Cosby family, we are extremely sensitive of the effect that it may have on students, alums and the community. The maintenance or removal of the Cosby name will be discussed appropriately and actions relative to the final decision will occur immediately. Central State University is committed to protecting and preserving the rights and dignity of all people. The very unfortunate circumstances of the Cosby situation are troublesome and disappointing to all."