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About 1,000 students and others rallied at Yale University Monday to call on the institution to be more supportive of minority students, and of all students, The New Haven Register reported. At Yale, last week saw widespread condemnation of an alleged racial incident at a fraternity, but also debate over whether an associate master of a residential college showed insensitivity to minority students when she sent out an email encouraging less of a focus on offensive Halloween costumes. In addition, some are saying that Yale students protesting the email are effectively shutting down alternative perspectives.

The Register reported that the email over costumes captured more attention and criticism during the rally than other incidents. But the rally also featured songs, dancing and efforts to be uplifting for students.

Peter Salovey, Yale's president, attended but did not speak at the rally. In an interview with the Register, he said, “I think we want to work hard to make sure Yale is a campus which welcomes all of our students. This kind of gathering reflects those ideals and I want all of our students to know this is a place that respects them, that appreciates the lives that they have lived before arriving at Yale.”