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The Duquesne University basketball team was forced to spend Friday night and much of Saturday on a bus 80 miles outside Pittsburgh in heavy traffic that was also stranded by the snow, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. The Duquesne team was returning from Virginia, where it defeated George Mason University on Friday, in a game that was moved up a day because of the blizzard. The team has been live tweeting its ordeal, and the university has also been posting photographs to Facebook, such as the image at right of team members trying to push their bus. (Update: The team is home, after 30 hours and 24 minutes on the bus.)

Meanwhile, the Temple University women's gymnastics team (photo below) is facing a similar struggle to get back to campus, ABC 6 News reported. The team is also using Twitter to keep people informed. (Update: As of Sunday afternoon, the team is no longer stuck and is headed home.)