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Long Island University has rejected a proposal by the faculty union to end the current lockout of professors at the Brooklyn campus. The union proposed that the lockout end and that the previous contract be extended by five weeks. Further, the union proposed that if a contract could not be agreed upon within two weeks, the parties would bring in a mutually acceptable mediator to resolve differences before the end of the five-week extension. Faculty leaders said that the mediation proposal was a good-faith effort to end the lockout now and create conditions for a speedy resolution of the contract dispute.

Gale Haynes, vice president, chief operating officer and university counsel at LIU, issued a statement defending the rejection of the proposal: “Surrounding students with the uncertainty of five more weeks of bargaining, which could still result in a strike -- as has been the pattern in five out of the last six contracts with the Brooklyn faculty union -- is not in the best interests of our students. We believe the time to resolve is now and will continue to negotiate in good faith.”