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The University of Wisconsin at Madison will review the stadium policies that allowed fans attending a football game on Saturday to wear costumes resembling Donald Trump lynching President Obama. Stadium officials asked the fans to remove the noose from their costumes but did not eject them from the stands. The university said the fans' behavior was protected by the First Amendment, but the decision not to remove the individuals has continued to generate criticism.

"A noose displayed in this fashion has no place on campus," Rebecca Blank, the university's chancellor, said in a statement Tuesday. "Together, the Athletics Department and the university’s Office of Legal Affairs are initiating a review of stadium policies with the goal of ensuring that symbols of this type are not displayed in our stadium again. We have work to do at UW Madison on campus climate issues, and an incident like this only deepens the divides across campus. Both the university administration and Athletics Department are committed to doing this hard work, while being acutely aware that we are a long way from where we want to be."