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Texas’s divisive campus carry law took effect last week on community college campuses, one year after it was adopted at public universities. Charles K. Smith, an instructor of geography at San Antonio College, marked the occasion by teaching in a flak jacket and helmet. "It definitely makes me feel uneasy that there are more firearms on campus than there really should be," Smith to The military-style gear “was just a statement on how I felt,” he said.

San Antonio College instructor Charles K. Smith, in helmet and flak jacket.

Source: Facebook

Smith, whose photo was taken and posted online by a student, said he’s seen occasional fistfights during his 10 years on campus, but never a gun. The new law, which allows licensed gun owners age 21 and over to carry concealed weapons on campus -- including into classrooms -- “increases the chances of something happening,” Smith said. “Used to, when they got mad at me, they had to go home to get the gun and had time to cool off. Now they will have it with them.”

Students for Concealed Carry, a national advocacy group, said in a statement that there has been no report of injury, death or assault at any four-year Texas campus within the last year. The group also pushed for the removal of university regulations that continue to “circumvent” the law.