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The University of Maryland at College Park’s marching band will no longer play the state song, a pro-Confederate battle hymn that refers to the Union as “northern scum.”

Spokeswoman Katie Lawson released a statement Monday:

“As part of the university’s efforts to reaffirm our values as a campus community, we are assessing the songs that are played at intercollegiate athletic events. We are suspending the playing of ‘Maryland, My Maryland’ to evaluate if it is consistent with the values of our institution at this time.”

Written in 1861 and adopted as the state’s song in 1939, “Maryland, My Maryland” calls Abraham Lincoln a “tyrant,” “despot” and “vandal.” It also encourages Maryland to fight against the north.  

The decision by the state’s flagship university comes at a time when other Confederate symbols are either being taken down or protested on college campuses. Institutions are moving to do so after the deadly protests in Charlottesville roiled University of Virginia and the city earlier this month.