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Michael Marrus, a professor emeritus of history at the University of Toronto, resigned from a senior fellowship after making a racially offensive comment to a student at affiliated Massey College, the Toronto Star reported. Marrus was accused of asking a black graduate student whether he knew his “master,” which is what the head of the college was called until last week. “Do you feel the lash?” he reportedly asked the student. Some 200 students and faculty members soon signed a petition calling for Marrus’s termination and for the college to change its leader’s title.

“First, I am so sorry for what I said, in a poor effort at jocular humor at lunch last Tuesday,” Marrus wrote in his resignation letter to college head Hugh Segal, according to the Star. “What I said was both foolish and, I understood immediately, hurtful, and I want, first and foremost, to convey my deepest regrets to all whom I may have harmed.” Segal previously apologized for Marrus’s remarks on behalf of the college.