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Carmen Puliafito was last year edged out of the medical school deanship of the University of Southern California amid reports about boorish behavior -- behavior that later turned out to allegedly include illegal drug use and association with criminals. Now the man selected to replace him has been forced out.

The university announced that it had lost confidence in Rohit Varma and that he was no longer dean, the Los Angeles Times reported. The university acted after the Times told officials it was about to publish an article about how Varma treated a female medical school fellow. According to the Times: "The woman accused Varma of making unwanted sexual advances during a trip to a conference and then retaliating against her for reporting him, according to the records and interviews. USC paid her more than $100,000 and temporarily blocked Varma from becoming a full member of the faculty, according to the records and interviews." Varma did not respond to requests for comment on the article.