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Part-time lecturers at Tufts University’s School of Arts and Sciences reached a second, tentative contract deal, averting a strike planned for this week. The five-year agreement covers 240 adjuncts who voted to form a union affiliated with Service Employees International Union in 2014. Gains in the new contract build on those achieved in a first contract notable for its pay increases and job security measures. The new deal includes pay raises of 22.5 percent over five years for half the part-time faculty, and a 12.5 percent pay increase for others. Eligibility criteria for a professional development fund are expanded, and faculty members will get earlier notification of non-reappointment.

James M. Glaser, dean of arts and sciences, said in a statement that Tufts has had “a productive and respectful relationship with our part-time faculty, and under the terms of the new agreement they would continue to enjoy pay, benefits and terms of employment that lead our local peer institutions and the relevant market, as was the case with the previous contract.”