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Ohio State University has revoked an honorary degree given to Bill Cosby when he delivered the commencement address in 2001, according to the Columbus Dispatch. The Board of Trustees approved the motion Friday.

The revocation was in response to allegations that Cosby had drugged and sexually assaulted dozens of women over the course of several decades. Cosby's retrial in Pennsylvania, involving a woman who accused him of drugging and assaulting her in 2004, begins Monday. His first trial resulted in a hung jury.

Ohio State hadn't rescinded an honorary degree before, and administrators had to create a process to do so, according to university spokesperson Chris Davey.

Ohio is the latest of several colleges that have revoked honors to Cosby. Brown, Baylor and George Washington Universities as well as Oberlin College rescinded the disgraced performer's degrees after allegations against him were publicized in recent years.