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David Sweatt, Allan D. Bass Chair in Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University, is on leave over accusations that he drugged and raped a graduate student at a conference in another state in 2015, according to Buzzfeed News. Vanderbilt reportedly suspended Sweatt in August, just days after a scientist accused him of rape on Twitter, but 11 months after the university received an anonymous report, but not a formal complaint, about him. 

The anonymous student named in university documents obtained by Buzzfeed News in an open records request declined comment. Sweatt’s attorney, Andrew Miltenberg, denied the allegations, saying they are part of a “destructive political agenda.” Vanderbilt has said it is investigating the matter, and that the August tweet about Sweatt provided enough additional information to initiate a formal review. University of Alabama at Birmingham, where Sweatt worked at the time the alleged incident, said the “safety concern” was referred to Vanderbilt.