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While a lawsuit against Harvard University has renewed the national debate on affirmative action, a similar discussion is going on in New York City over a proposal by Mayor Bill de Blasio to end the system of using an entrance exam to determine who is admitted to elite high schools that provide a pathway to top colleges. The mayor has pointed to a lack of diversity, and in particular to a lack of black students, admitted under the system. New admissions decisions announced Monday appear to be adding to the debate. The New York Times reported that seven of the 895 slots offered for Stuyvesant High School went to black people. That's down from 10 last year and 13 the year before. At Bronx High School of Science, 12 of the 803 offers went to black students, down from 25 a year ago. Asian Americans received 66 percent of the offers at Stuyvesant and 58 percent at Bronx Science.