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Wright State University’s faculty voted no confidence in the institution’s Board of Trustees, they announced this week. Of some 735 full-time professors, 440 participated in the confidence vote, and 87 percent of those voted no. Doug Fecher, board chair, told the Dayton Daily News that’s he’s “not concerned about it.” He reportedly attributed the vote to the American Association of University Professors-affiliated faculty union’s recent strike. But the faculty union has said that it includes just two-thirds of eligible voters.

A faculty petition in favor of the vote cites issues such as Wright State’s budget woes and a federal investigation into H-1B visa misuse that was settled last year for $1 million. Trustees in a rebuttal said that they were working to correct Wright State’s financial and other problems. On Thursday, the Ohio auditor’s office issued a finding for recovery of more than $73,000 that Wright State illegally spent on a consulting group in 2013, the Daily News also reported.