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Scholars are raising alarms about the relocation of the Billy Graham archives away from Wheaton College, in Illinois, Religion News Service reported. The collection of the famous Christian evangelist is being packed up and shipped to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in Charlotte, N.C.

Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son and president of the association, said, “It is the intention of BGEA leadership to provide a first-rate research facility and archival operation with an openness to those who have an interest in studying the life and ministry of my father in the greater context of a library that clearly demonstrates and reflects the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Scholars are concerned that the BGEA facility will restrict access to scholars who do not share Franklin Graham’s views or who refuse to promote a “sanitized history” of the evangelical movement.

Scholars also are concerned that there will be no professional archivists or research facility in place when the collection arrives in North Carolina later this month. Franklin Graham said a "research center building" is planned, "with a plan for construction as soon as possible." In the meantime, the archival materials will be kept in storage.