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The University of Maryland at College Park's accreditor warned the institution last week that its "accreditation may be in jeopardy because of insufficient evidence" that it is complying with standards related to how the university is governed. While the statement does not specify, the action by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education relates to a series of administrative and leadership decisions that followed the death of a football player last summer. The regents of the University System of Maryland reportedly forced the departure of the flagship campus's president, Wallace D. Loh, because he insisted on firing the football coach and athletics director. The regents' actions drew significant pushback.

Loh then fired the coach, DJ Durkin, anyway, and the chairman of the Board of Regents soon resigned. The regents' behavior was criticized by the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, and the accreditor's decision to place Maryland on warning requires the university to show, among other things, that it has a "clearly articulated and transparent" governance structure.