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Texas State University’s Board of Regents has voted to fire a tenured professor for sexual misconduct against four faculty members. The decision affirms a faculty tribunal's recommendation for revocation of the professor's tenure and termination and the university president's decision to abide by it.

The firing of David Wiley, a professor in the Department of Health & Human Performance, comes more than a year after Wiley filed suit against the university claiming that his due process rights were violated during the misconduct investigation, according to

Wiley had alleged that the effort to dismiss him was retaliation for disagreements he had with the department chair and that the misconduct allegations involved "hugging and non-romantic kissing (greetings) from five to 10 years ago."

A judge dismissed the case on Jan. 24, KXAN reported.

“The board does not believe any of the issues raised by Dr. Wiley require reversal of the Texas State University’s president’s decisions,” regent Alan L. Tinsley said in announcing the board's decision.