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An appeals committee of the Ohio University faculty recommended against the termination of their colleague Yusuf Kalyango, according to The Athens News. Kalyango, a professor of journalism, was investigated for sexual misconduct, found to have harassed a graduate student and suspended in 2018, according the News. He has been serving in a nonteaching role during his recent appeal process, and the faculty committee charged with reviewing his cased vote 5 to 1 that he should be reinstated as a professor with tenure.

“My only brief comment is to thank the Faculty Senate for affording me the opportunity to finally be heard, and for exonerating me,” Kalyango reportedly said in a statement. “I have learned a lot from this unfair devastating experience and I promise to use this traumatic experience to better myself and those around me.”

Kalyango, who is Black, is suing the university for discrimination. He also said, “Despite the devastating setback based on malicious allegations that were aimed at destroying my hard-earned academic career, I have no hard feelings and no animosity toward anybody.”

The university declined comment on the committee’s decision. The graduate student who accused Kalyango sued the university in 2019 for allegedly mishandling her case and allowing retaliation against her. Ohio University reportedly settled with her. The appeals committee reportedly found that she may have been so involved in the Title IX investigation as to compromise it. Michael Fradin, the graduate student’s lawyer, said in a statement, “It is troubling that a university that took almost four years to hold a hearing would criticize the victim for being too proactive. I fear that it reflects a deeper institutional lack of respect for its victims.”