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Steven C. Currall, president of the University of South Florida, will resign Aug. 2 after only two years in the job, Business Observer reported.

Ralph Wilcox, provost and executive vice president, will serve as acting president while the board decides on an interim.

Currall cited personal reasons for stepping away from the role.

“The intensity of the past two years has put a strain on my health and my family,” he said. “Therefore, after thoughtful reflection, I have decided to retire from the USF presidency to ensure that I preserve my health, as well as to spend more time with my wife, Cheyenne, and my 91-year-old father.”

During his short tenure, the university weathered the COVID-19 pandemic and a $38.7 million funding cut. He also consolidated South Florida’s three campuses into a single accredited university.

Currall will stay at the university as a tenured full professor in the school of business.