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Allegheny College in Pennsylvania announced Tuesday that the institution will eliminate 36 administrative and staff positions; 24 positions will be cut, and 12 vacant roles will be left unfilled.

The cuts, which will take effect this week, are a belt-tightening measure in response to the economic fallout of COVID-19 and enrollment declines, the Meadville Tribune reported. Former employees will receive severance packages, and the institution will continue to contribute to their health-care coverage for up to six months. No faculty positions were affected.

The Tribune cited a statement from the college saying that the institution has “faced significant financial and enrollment challenges that were accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic,” including a demographic cliff -- a drop in the number of traditional college-age students in the area. Allegheny projects a total enrollment of 1,550 students for this upcoming fall, down from about 1,700 students last fall. The college enrolled about 1,800 in fall 2019.