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Brown, Columbia and Cornell Universities faced bomb threats that led to portions of their campuses being evacuated Sunday afternoon. Yale University faced a similar bomb threat on Friday before declaring the campus to be safe, NBC News reported.

The three Ivy universities found no credible threats after investigating. Major portions of their campuses were shut down during the investigation.

A notice on the Columbia website said, “Following an investigation, today’s bomb threats were deemed not credible by the NYPD and the campus buildings have been cleared for reoccupancy. We thank those individuals affected for their patience and cooperation in evacuating.”

Joel M. Malina, vice president for university relations at Cornell, posted this message after officials investigated: “Just before 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon, Tompkins County 911 received an anonymous call from an individual claiming to be in one of our academic buildings with automatic weapons, and that explosives had been placed in several other academic buildings. Cornell University Police Department immediately began investigating and issuing real-time alerts to urge students, faculty, staff, visitors, and community members to evacuate central campus and avoid the area. We are relieved to report that this threat appears to have been a hoax. A cruel hoax; but, thankfully, just a hoax. The university has now resumed its normal operations.”

On Saturday, officials at Ohio University experienced a similar bomb threat. After investigating, the university's police department posted this message on Twitter: “OUPD has determined the source of today’s threat to be the same as several other false bomb threats recently made to other universities across the country. We do not believe a threat exists to the campus at this time.”