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Michigan State University is giving all nonunionized faculty and academic staff 2 percent merit raises effective Jan. 1, The Lansing State Journal reported.

Michigan State president Dr. Samuel Stanley Jr. wrote to faculty, “During the past 18 months, we have had to make many difficult decisions in response to COVID-19. Responses to our financial challenges have been among the most difficult, knowing the impact on those who enable the academic mission of the university every day. The ways in which you have pursued your scholarly work and the education of our students have been extraordinary. On behalf of a grateful university, thank you. While we continue to face challenging financial terrain, I feel it is extremely important to provide a raise for faculty and academic staff next year.”

Michigan State temporarily cut salaries for nonunionized faculty and academic staff, for a period of time, by 1 to 7 percent.

Karen Kelly-Blake, MSU Faculty Senate chairperson, said, “We appreciate the raise. We also appreciate the administration’s recognition that the work of both the faculty and academic staff continue to be extraordinary. We also look forward to continuing to talk with the administration on how to make the faculty and academic staff whole.”

She added, “I think that the compensation at Michigan State University and any restoration thereof now must take into consideration the current inflation rate. I am not a financial manager, but I imagine that even with the cost of living, that with the 6 percent inflation rate, MSU’s compensation does not put it at the top of the pack.”