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Students from Michigan State University, the University of Michigan and other campuses in the state rallied in Lansing against vaccine mandates for students, WILX News reported.

A Michigan State student, PJ Serati, said, “People should have the right to make that decision. A lot of our critics tell us, ‘Hey you have the right to choose a different school, you have the right to quit your job, you have the right to go somewhere else, move to a different country.’ That is not the United States. The United States allows for the individual to benefit, not the institution.”

However, polls have shown that most students support the vaccine mandates.

Another Michigan State student, who wasn’t at the rally, Haleigh Colombo, said, “America is set up in a system where we have to have these kinds of regulations for the greater good, and even if it isn’t something you enjoy, it’s better for the entire state as a whole.”