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Temple University has hired a vice president for public safety, a new position created amid rising concerns about crime in student-populated neighborhoods near the Philadelphia campus.

The new position will be filled by Jennifer Griffin, a former Delaware state trooper and adjunct at the University of Delaware, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. Temple hired Griffin as part of its efforts to improve public safety, an area of concern for students, parents and college employees amid increased gun violence in the city. Public safety concerns were exacerbated by the violent death of Temple student Samuel Collington last fall in a botched robbery, and some parents have even hired private security to patrol neighborhoods adjacent to campus.

“Creating the new vice president for public safety position is a continuation of our efforts to further our commitment to campus safety here at Temple,” Ken Kaiser, Temple’s chief operating officer, said in a statement announcing the hire. He added public safety is Temple’s top priority.

Griffin will officially begin her role as vice president for public safety on Aug. 22.

Beyond the new position, Temple is investing in public safety in other ways, looking to increase its police force and paying landlords to make security upgrades on properties near campus.