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A Montana judge has ruled that three state laws passed during the 2021 legislative session cannot be enforced on college campuses due to a constitutional conflict.

One law bars transgender athletes from competing in women’s collegiate sports, one prohibits groups from registering voters in university dorms or dining halls, and the third creates new guidelines for harassment and campus free speech policies.

The ruling, handed down last week, found that the trio of laws cannot be enforced because all three infringe upon the constitutional authority of the Montana Board of Regents to govern the state university system, Montana Public Radio reported.

The ruling came down from Gallatin County District Court Judge Rienne McElyea. Montana attorney general Austin Knudsen, a Republican, blasted the decision in a statement from his office and suggested that “most district court judges are little more than Democrat operatives in black robes.” Both Knudsen and Republican governor Greg Gianforte are reportedly reviewing last week’s ruling.