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Kelsi Anderson, provost of Bryan College of Health Sciences, in Nebraska, has been chosen as president there.

Stephanie Cosner, vice provost at Simmons University, in Massachusetts, has been promoted to provost there.

Katie Lynch, officer in charge of academic affairs at Rockland Community College, in New York, has been appointed as provost and vice president of academic affairs at Brookdale Community College, in New Jersey.

Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak, provost at Bucknell University, in Pennsylvania, has been selected as provost and dean of the faculty at Whitman College, in Washington.

Diana McGill, dean of the of the College of Arts and Sciences at Northern Kentucky University, has been named provost and executive vice president of academic and student affairs there.

Angela V. Olinto, Dean of the Division of the Physical Sciences and the Albert A. Michelson Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago, in Illinois, has been appointed as provost at Columbia University, in New York.

Benjamin Rifkin, interim provost at Fairleigh Dickinson University, in New Jersey, has been selected as University Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs there.

Manfred H.M. van Dulmen, senior associate provost and dean of the Graduate College at Kent State University, in Ohio, has been named provost and senior vice president at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.