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North Dakota’s Dickinson State University has reached a collaborative agreement with Mayville State University to help save its troubled nursing program, The Dickinson Press reported.

Under the agreement, Mayville State will provide a full-time nursing administrator and program leader to help DSU hire and train qualified nursing faculty and manage academic scheduling. It will also help the university design its program to meet the standards set by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.

In addition to providing communication, administrative and IT support for the program and handling student-facing services, DSU will help enroll its undergraduate nursing students in MaSU’s online courses when needed and encourage nursing faculty to pursue advanced degrees through MaSU’s master’s program in nursing.

DSU’s entire full-time nursing faculty resigned earlier this month to protest high workloads and accreditation concerns. A few days later, DSU president Stephen Easton resigned, citing his frustration with the state nursing board’s strict hiring rules, which he said prevented him from restaffing the program.

The collaboration is intended to “meet student educational needs … while supporting workforce within the critical areas of licensed nursing and registered nursing in North Dakota and surrounding areas,” according to the memorandum of understanding.