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Fayetteville State University employees allegedly spent $692,239 on “unallowable” credit card purchases, the Office of the State Auditor announced in findings released Tuesday.

Nearly $700,000 was spent by staff in the Office of Strategic Communications—specifically, three employees, two of whom are no longer with the university, the audit found. The improper purchases included payments to individuals, consultants, and employees, invoices and travel, including first-class tickets and expensive ride shares—such as $287 spent on a single ride to and from a spa day in New York City before a conference. Additionally, $5,506 was spent on

The North Carolina state auditor also raised concerns about $5,395 spent on lodging within 35 miles of the university, conflicting with Fayetteville State’s travel policy, according to the report.

The Fayetteville Observer identified the employees as Joy Cook, former associate vice chancellor for strategic communications; Morgan Osley Pratt, former director of digital strategy; and Tina Raines, currently the assistant vice chancellor for marketing and creative services.

Employees also paid $167,570 to businesses owned by former employees in the Office of Strategic Communications, “creating a potential conflict of interest,” according to the report, which noted “former employees did not disclose” their financial interests to university officials.

The alleged misspending took place from January 2022 to August 2023.

A response from university officials included in the audit noted that administrators took immediate action to improve financial controls “upon learning of these egregious and disturbing allegations” and have since conducted campus-wide training on purchasing and travel policies.

The findings are being referred to the State Bureau of Investigation “to determine if there is sufficient evidence to pursue criminal charges,” according to the report.