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A controversial University of Alaska trustee is out after only two months in that role.

Tuckerman Babcock, a former chief of staff to Republican governor Mike Dunleavy, resigned Wednesday, according to The Alaska Beacon. Babcock said, in a resignation letter obtained by the news organization, that he was “unable to devote” his “full time and attention to the board.”

Babcock was still awaiting confirmation from the Alaska Legislature on his board appointment. He was named to the board after state lawmakers rejected Dunleavy’s appointment of Bethany Marcum in May and likely faced a similar fate.

State lawmakers previously told The Alaska Beacon that Babcock’s confirmation would likely be an uphill battle given his controversial past. Babcock supported Dunleavy’s deep cuts to the University of Alaska system, which was one of the reasons the Legislature rejected Marcum’s appointment. Additionally, Babcock was caught up in an illegal loyalty pledge scheme in 2019 when he and the governor pressured more than 800 at-will state employees to resign.

A spokesperson for Dunleavy told The Alaska Beacon a new appointment would be forthcoming.