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Surviving the Essay

The new SAT was given for the first time Saturday; to many students, the much-publicized writing test wasn't that big a deal.

Staying Alive

Edward Waters College wins round in U.S. court, temporarily staving off loss of accreditation.

A Deal Collapses

The University of Colorado and Ward Churchill were on the verge of a deal for him to quit when talks fell apart after plagiarism charges emerged.

Senate Passes Perkins

Moving expeditiously, the full chamber approves a vocational education bill.

NCAA Punishes Texas State for Major Violations

Football coaches forced athletes to practice excessively and athletes got $73,000 in books they did not need.

Looking Good by Comparison

It's not often that National Collegiate Athletic Association officials get dragged before Congress and come out smelling like a rose...

Planning Ahead for Higher Education

The percentage of high school sophomores who plan to earn a bachelor's degree or higher reached 72 percent in 2002...

Gender Impact

State efforts to eliminate affirmative action may focus on race, but they can also destroy programs for female students, says a new report.