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A photo illustration with a quote from an AAUP statement saying “academic freedom and productive debate may not always be appropriately secured by a categorical position that disregards nuance and is inattentive to context.” The quote is superimposed over the document.

AAUP Faces Criticism for Reversal on Academic Boycotts

The American Association of University Professors announced Monday it had dropped its categorical opposition to the tactic. Critics say the organization has changed for the worse, but its new president isn’t backing down.

Young man filling out form at a desk at college.

Students Link Their Success to Affordability

Students across every institution type and demographic—including household income—link the cost of tuition to their academic success in a new analysis of Student Voice data.

An illustration of a man climbing a ladder toward an outstretched hand holding three books topped with a trophy and graduation cap.

Three Perspectives on Transfer

It’s time to reassess the transfer student pathway, Stephen J. Handel and Eileen L. Strempel write.

Judge Tosses Professors’ Suit Against Indiana’s ‘Intellectual Diversity’ Law

On Wednesday, a judge dismissed a lawsuit that had sought to invalidate the parts of a new Indiana law requiring...
Woman with concerned look on her face as she scans a grocery aisle

Increased Financial Aid Can Increase Demand for Basic Needs Services

A new survey from New Mexico shows that nearly 60 percent of students are food insecure. Experts say that number likely rose when the state’s free-tuition program made college more accessible for low-income learners.

People at tables with gold trim and telephones

FAFSA Night Live!

In Kentucky, federal student aid form completion is down by double digits from last year. State officials hosted a 12-hour telethon in a castle to help close the gap.

Holy Cross Donor Sues to Recoup $21 Million

A College of the Holy Cross donor is suing the institution in an effort to recoup $21 million, alleging that...

GAO: Half of Borrowers Were Current on Loan Payments in January

Nearly 30 percent of borrowers were past due on their student loan payments in January of this year, a few...