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Professor Charged With Stealing Students' Identities

Students in the anatomy and physiology course at Polk Community College last fall might have thought it odd that the...

Upturn for Minority Students at Michigan

Preliminary admissions data suggest climbing black and Hispanic enrollments after changes wrought by Supreme Court ruling.

Benefits and Protection

The number of colleges offering benefits or anti-bias protection for gay employees increased significantly in 2004.

Choices at Harvard

Summers critic who once challenged Harvard on sex bias named graduate dean; alumni want president to stay.

Did Cross-Dressing Cost Adjunct His Job?

A sociologist sues Georgetown College, charging that his wardrobe led to his non-renewal.

Boston U. Picks a President (Again)

18 months after last search blew up, university selects MIT provost as new leader.

Hostile Climate?

A community college district in San Jose brings in an outside investigator amid complaints of mistreatment of black and Latino educators.

Majoring in Hate

Some scholars want to create new academic programs to focus on study of extremist groups.