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Newly Tenured ... at Niagara U., Texas State-San Marcos, U. of North Texas

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges: Niagara University Morgan Brooks, education William Edwards, biology Barbara...

Defining College Success

Presidents and administrators discuss ways to evaluate how well institutions educate their students, and the obstacles to greater accountability.

A President in Texas (No, Not That One)

At Abilene Christian U.'s commencement, Madagascar's leader joined 24 graduating scholars supported by his government, with hopes of greater good.

Beyond the Need/Merit Split

Divide between the two kinds of financial aid is less clearcut than many think, according to new study of public flagship universities.

The 'Supply Side' of Study Abroad

Much of the research on study-abroad programs has looked at the growing number of American students who spend a summer...

Dropping a Day to Save on Gas

Some two-year colleges are dropping Friday classes to save their students an extra trip -- and the rising cost of driving to and from school.