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Is This NIH's Year?

There's never enough money, it seems. Virtually every spring and summer, as Congress begins to allocate federal funds for the...

An Elite Law Degree -- in 2 Years

New Northwestern option comes amid interest in substantial shifts in the models of legal education. Dayton, pioneer in a compressed program, sees encouraging results.

Documents and Collections at Risk?

Even as Congress moves to increase total budget for the humanities endowment, preservation programs face cuts, alarming scholars.

Gauging the New GI Bill

As Congress and White House agree on big boost in educational benefits, officials wonder if veterans will alter their college choices.

Continued Growth for 2 Distance Ed Models

A multi-college consortium broadens availability of online courses, while an institution founded by 19 Western governors exceeds expectations (belatedly).

When NCAA Penalties Are No Vacation

The association's rule enforcers increasingly compel colleges to forfeit their past victories and championships, much to their consternation.