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More Links Between Drug Companies, Medical Education

Yet more evidence has emerged of the impact of pharmaceutical industry support for medical education. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported...

Who Deserves a Special Seat on Student Government?

Valparaiso University, in Indiana, has removed a lesbian student from a seat on student government that is designated for minority...

Flooding Closes Campuses in North Dakota, Minnesota

Flooding of the Red River has led several colleges to close for most or all of the coming week. The...

Norovirus Closes Babson College

Babson College has closed its campus until Wednesday morning because of an apparent norovirus outbreak that has hit dozens of...

Bizarre Drug and Robbery Arrest at Hofstra

Five Hofstra University students have been arrested -- and have denied all charges -- in what police say was an...

New Student Assignment: Helping the CIA Recruit

The Central Intelligence Agency has long recruited new college graduates as employees -- and those efforts have sometimes been controversial...

We Need a New Kind of Institutional Aid

Congress needs to create a program that rewards colleges and universities that educate disadvantaged students, write Charles B. Reed and F. King Alexander.

TIAA-CREF Toughens Sudan Stance -- Without Divestment Yet

TIAA-CREF on Thursday announced a tougher position on several companies that have been accused of supporting the authorities who encourage...